

Expert Specialized Professional Platform
Catering to
Business Owners - Entrepreneurs - Startups - SMEs - Corporates -
Corporate Subsidiaries - Joint Ventures
at a fraction of cost replacing Full-Time CFO
Aspiring to Employ but just can't afford to
Your Roadmap to achieve Profit Maximization with Cost Minimization.

Dreaming Of Employing, But Just Can't Afford To Hire A CFO?

Virtual CFO is an operational and financial expert who renders services of Chief Finance Officer (CFO).

As a seasoned financial professional, unlike CFO, Virtual CFO is not a full-time employee of the organization. He works remotely on a contracted basis with a part-time schedule. Still, his services can be utilized on a 24X7 basis.

Need for Virtual CFO emanates from the businesses who do not command bandwidth to appoint CFO because of the paucity of financial resources which are already over-stretched in diverse projects.

In such a scenario, Virtual CFO steps in to play strategically critical and yet a positive role at fraction of a cost.

Permeate to businesses of all sizes and dimensions.

  • Startup
  • SMEs
  • Large Corporates for qualify performance of time-bound assignments which are non-recurring and exceptional in nature.
  • Large Corporates for the subsidiary and Joint Venture.

A person or team providing Virtual CFO services are called CFO Service Provider (CSP).

As forward-looking strategist, Virtual CFO delivers financial intelligence so essential:

  • To augment Cash Flow.
  • To Bolster Profit margin.
  • To Streamline Business Growth.


Virtual CFO Delivers Value with a Perfect Mix of:

  • Professional acumen
  • Vision
  • Leadership
  • Performance
  • Integrity



  • Number Crunching.
  • Mentorship with HODs.
  • Assistance in:
    • Agile and decentralized decision-making
    • Scenario Planning
    • Budgeting
    • Reporting
  • Guidance and Counsel to CFO.


  • Rich past professional experience in the domain of Finance and Accounts.
  • Manpower resources.
  • IT systems.
  • Office infrastructure.
  • Communication tools.

And above all, entire Team backed by diversified work experience to support Virtual CFO.

Being a consultant and not an employee, Virtual CFO helps navigate clients to aspired objectives without fear or hesitation.

Multiple benefits of skills, expertise, specialization and across industries working knowledge brought to the table by a team of finance professionals.

Long-term stability of functioning within available resources.

Access to service is possible without geographical barriers.

Superior resources are at disposal at affordable cost-particularly, for SMEs and Startups.

Third-eye perception of an experienced and versatile team of financial professionals without any bias.

Engage and pay for what you need without apprehension of permanent commitment.

Are You Desperate, Overwhelmed, Worried, Struggling & Cost Deficient in Business?

  • WHEN business growth process reaches a stage of more complexities.
  • WHEN handling potential business risk and ensuring uninterrupted cash flow management.
  • WHEN exploiting untapped market opportunities, keeping a strict vigil on potential economic threat becomes imperative.
  • WHEN financials are unfavourable and struggling to maintain profitability to sustain a business.
  • WHEN lack of clarity in an unprecedented business scenario, sound decision-making assumes paramount importance.

To elevate your business to the next level but completely exhausted.

As business financials are relegated to lower priority.

That your business has hit a plateau with hazardous cash flow management.

To scale up business and manage financial complexities.

Unable to hire Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to mitigate problems at prohibitive cost of recurring fat compensation package.

  • Missed opportunities of Business.
  • Lack of adequate control mechanism.
  • Unproductive, weak and wasteful processes.
  • Faculty transition from existing to new system.
  • Avoidable waste of resources, time and effort.
  • Absence of critical resources when needed.
  • Exposure to avoidable legal or tax risks.
  • Mounting regulations of finance functions.
  • Increasing disclosure levels.
  • Peer comparison by regulators.
  • Increased governance issues.
  • Fear of oversight.
  • Earning growth and budgetary allocations.
  • Scarcity of resources and skills.
  • Internal co-ordination challenge.
  • Inadequate decision-making support.
  • Technological limitations to scalability.
  • Promoter driven without defined road map.
  • High dependence on 1 and 2 key persons.
  • Inadequate risk management system and control.
  • Ad-hoc decision making based on gut.
  • Continuously in crisis management mode.
  • Lack of optimum utilization of available resources.
  • Unjustified diversification at early stage stretching limited resources.
  • Over-leveraged and debt-ridden.
  • Prioritization not in conformity with organization objective.
  • Minuscule understanding of Finance and Accounts, low Legal and Commercial capability and Tax Knowledge.
  • Multiplicity of consultants but lacking efficient advisory services on board.
  • Attracting right talents and retaining it.
  • Brings credibility.
  • Mentorship to navigate to next level.
  • Assurance of capability to sustain performance.
  • Identifies various domain functions required by an organization.
  • Develops capabilities to meet any organizational challenge.
  • Dynamism to influence operational decision-making process.
  • Hand-holding to deliver value.
Hiring a Full-Time CFO can be very expensive proposition for both startups and established ventures. Startups, SMEs or Big Corporates i.e. Business Owners or Entrepreneurs of any hue – have to discover ways and means to generate maximum ROI with limited resources at their command.

Here, we step in as Virtual CFO to shoulder the responsibility for creating efficient and result-oriented finance and accounts department.

Our Proposition to the clients is simple-leave your financial and compliance pains to us for healing!
  • Facilitate your access to financial leadership with requisite expertise at a fraction of a cost of Full -Time CFO.
  • Join as an Internal member of your Team.
  • Ensure focused attention to the well-being of our clients.
  • Work closely with Promoters, Directors, Business Owners and higher management personnel.
  • Improve total financial health of the client’s organization.
  • Handhold in dealing with multiple entities:
    – Investors, Bankers, Customers.
  • Become silent Partner in providing customized solutions for client’s success.
  • Being an effective organizational leader.
  • Efficient allocation of the existing resources.
  • Ensuring effective co-ordination of finance department with other departments.
  • Managing the responsibilities of stewardship with stakeholders.
  • Acting as integrator and navigator of the organization.
  • Financial foresight.
  • Accounting & financial expertise.
  • Ability to understand nuances of business.
  • Result-oriented approach to resolve issues and implement solutions.
  • Self-driven and ever proactive rather than reactive.
  • Proficiency in communication - both oral and written.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Strong network of experts across the board.
  • Deftness for crisis management.
  • Awareness about macroeconomics.
  • Understanding of capital markets.

"Entrepreneurs are great at dealing with uncertainty. And also very good at minimising risk. That's the classic entrepreneur."

Mohinish Parbai

  • To lay foundation to build equity.
  • To ensure timely execution.
  • To create problem-solving mechanism.
  • To identify bottlenecks.
  • To devise executable action plans.
  • To collect, collate data for decision-making.
  • To lay down procedure to estimate economic value of business.
  • To identify money-raising instruments
  • To restructure debt
  • To improve debt-equity ratio
  • To formulate plans and strategies.
  • To ensure implementation.
  • To protect existing business from risk.
  • To thwart reversal process.
  • SWOT Analysis of entrepreneur and business.
  • Defining Core and Non-Core areas.
  • Formulating Business Plan for 3 to 5 years.
  • Developing, defining and implementing Matrix.
  • Planning and implementing organization structure for future.
  • Allocation of resources for next 3 to 5 years.
  • Creating an informal Board for all strategic decisions.
  • Fund Management.
  • Key Trade Policy.
  • Implementing critical SOPs.
  • Monthly review of P/L and Balance Sheet.
  • Monitoring and controlling cash flows.
  • Review of operational and departmental MIS.
  • Budgeting and costing implementation.
  • Efficient fund-raising mechanism.
  • Inventory control and integration with accounts.
  • Resolution of tax matters.
  • Defining job profile and KRA of finance and accounts team.
  • Accounting as per Indian GAAP.
  • Timely compliances.
  • Due diligence support
  • Review of internal audit.
  • Critical fundraising.
  • Emergency hand-holding of any function.
  • Support in improvement of cash flow from operations.
  • Support in improving the decision-making process.
  • Focus on Profit Operations, Cash Flow improvement on defined Matrix.
  • Generate analysis and in-depth reports for business.
  • Comprehensive due diligence process.
  • Smart negotiations on valuation and payment terms.
  • Ensuring win-win situation..
  • Functional domain expertise.
  • Industry domain expertise.

Clarity on Business Development activities and Processes should be separated from execution-oriented assignments.

Manpower planning in Finance and Account (F&A) function -understanding nuances of :

  • Delegation of Authority.
  • Unity of Command.
  • Job Description.
  • Reporting Formats and Patterns.
  • Training and Incentive Process.
  • Organization Development.
  • Performance Appraisal Mechanism.
  • MIS
  • SOP
  • Incentive Schemes.
  • Technological Adoption.
  • Coordination between Client’s HODs and Virtual CFO.
  • Regular update on technological aspect –client domain along with functional domain.
  • Resource allocation.
  • Easy access to data.
  • Regular meetings to discover Cross-Pitching opportunities.
  • Corporate Profile of Client.
  • Internet Profile (URL).
  • Balance Sheet of Previous Year.
  • Current year Projects.
  • Group Structure.
  • Group Finance Profile.
  • Enterprise Data.

Deployment of DO’s and DON'Ts to aid decision-making processes and execution.

Co-ordination between Virtual CFO as Coach and HODs as Captain yield desired results.

  • Build strategies framework in initial stages.
  • Gradual transfer of work to internal team.
  • Hand-holding for some time.
  • Handing over execution responsibility to internal team leader.
  • Defining a role with management is critical. 
  • Brainstorming Sessions for:
    - Formulating execution methodology.
    - Resource Allocation.
    - Reporting Patterns.
  • Review business performance
  • Suggest requisite correction across areas.
  • Budgeting
  • Optimum resources allocation.
  • Diversification strategies.
  • Fundraising Sources.
     - Strategies
     - Execution
     - Compliance
  • Benchmark existing plans to prepare roadmap for future business plans.
  • Motivating team to function in tandem with organizational goals.

Time-based delivery of:

  • Restructuring Plans.
  • Finance Plans.
  • MIS Plans.
  • Analytics of Contributions.
  • Specific deliverables within specified time are the primary objective.
  • Building up long-term business relationship on sustainable basis is the ultimate goal.
  • Generate Execution.
  • Planning with Finance Department.
  • Setup Execution.
  • Accounts, Tax, Compliance.
  • Finance.
  • Organogram of Finance and Accounts Department.
  • Risk and Governance.
  • Commercial Excellence.
  • Sales Department.
  • Human Resources.
  • Training for Morale and Motivation.
  • Omnibus Areas.

Want to achieve Profit Maximization with Cost Minimization?

  • In initial stages, visit to client’s office or branch is undertaken.
  • A separate space is allotted to CSP team within client’s premises.
  • Visit to Project/Factory/Warehouse of client along with client’s team to gain better understanding of operational details.
  • Trainees are regularly deployed at clients office.
  • A meeting or two are planned at client’s premises in a week to appraise progress and performance.
  • For distant geography, 3 days monthly visit is planned to ensure reporting and better co-ordination.
  • Execution of routine work is planned with client’s team.
  • Subsequently, work is done from CSP’s own office.
  • Compliance and procedural assignments are handled online in Virtual environment.
  • Virtual CFO Service engagements are hybrid of both the methods – onsite and offsite- with different degree and level.
  • In the initial stages, more engagements are essential.
  • Gradually offsite working becomes the norm.
  • For clear communication on onsite and offsite, execution process is done by both the teams via

     - Weekly conference.
     - Video



  1. Reporting to CSP by its Team.
  2. Reporting by CSP to client organization.
  3. CSP leader reporting to own organization.
  4. Succession planning.
  5. Handover and Exit.

Essential Parameters of Virtual CFO Ecosystem:

  • Diversified geographies for execution.
  • Service one client having multiple business locations.
  • Diversified business segments.
  • Diversified functional expertise.
  • Skill to operate in larger team.

Need to Hire a Virtual CFO at a Fraction of Cost?

A) Book of Accounts
  • Completion of transaction
  • Accuracy of numbers
  • Information in an Accounting System
  • Compliances
    - Income Tax, GST, Company Law
  • Proper Maintenance of & Reconciliation of
    - Accounting Vouchers
    - Invoice
    - Receipt
B) Ledger Reviews Covering
Employees Suppliers, Customers, Tax, Proprietors or Directors, Security deposits, Bank Reconciliation, Bank Guarantees.
C) Statutory Compliance
  • TDS - Suppliers, Payment, Returns
  • Tax Calculation for Employees
  • Insurance of form 16 and TDS return.
  • GST Sales Invoice, Payment Monthly Return.
  • ESI and PF.
D) Advisory Function
  • Advisory on Business Transaction
  • Tax Planning
  • Tax Saving
A) Book of Accounts
  • Completion of transaction
  • Accuracy of numbers
  • Information in an Accounting System
  • Compliances
    - Income Tax, GST, Company law etc.
  • Proper Maintenance of & Reconciliation of
    - Accounting Vouchers
    - Invoice
    - Receipt
B) Ledger Reviews Covering
Employees Suppliers, Customers, Tax, Proprietors or Directors, Security deposits, Bank Reconciliation, Bank Guarantees.
C) Statutory Compliance
  • TDS - Suppliers, Payment, Returns
  • Tax Calculation for Employees
  • Insurance of form 16 and TDS return.
  • GST Sales Invoice, Payment Monthly Return.
  • ESI and PF.
D) Advisory Function
  • Advisory on Business Transaction
  • Tax Planning
  • Tax Saving
E) Monthly closing and P & L Report
  • Assistance in Monthly Closing of Books of Accounts.
  • Debts Ageing Report
  • Item Wise Stock Reports
  • Gross Profit Reports of company
  • Gross Profit contribute a Report of Sales Personnel
  • Jobwise Profitability Report
  • Incentive Compilation
  • Bonus Compilation

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